Showing posts with label Spoofing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spoofing. Show all posts

Sunday, July 28, 2013

You Can Change Mac Address of Android Devices !!!!

Hi guys !! in my preview post i told how to change mac address of your computer.. this post will give you to change Mac Address of your android device (Temporary)..

Requirements :
  • Rooted Android Phone
  • Busybox apk and installed
  • Terminal apk
How to root your android ?
       If you want to change your system settings you must be rooted.... Just simply type and search how to root galaxy ace(otherwise your mobile model) in google..

Download Link For Busybox : Download Here
Download Link For Terminal : Download Here
otherwise download and install it from playstore..

Now i am going to tell how to change Mac Address :
  •  just go to terminal app
  • type      :su :busybox iplink show eth0
  • it will show your Current Mac Address
  • if it doesnt work just replace eth0 with wlan0
  • now write :busybox ifconfig eth0 hw ether AA:BB:CC:33:44:55
  • (Instead of AA:BB:CC:33:44:55 , you can type your wanted Mac Address)
  • Congradulations , you have successfully changed your Mac Address of your Android !
  • Now type and check your Temporary Mac Address :busybox iplink show eth0
 IF IT DOESN'T Work Just simply type the above coding with replacing eth0 with wlan0
If any doubts comment below the post...visit my site for more tricks.. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

How to change Mac Address of computer !!

Hi viewers !! i am going to say about how to change mac address !!
Mac address is nothing but a Physical address of your computer that will help you to connect network..
To Check Your Mac Address :
  1. just type cmd and press enter
  2. in the cmd now type   ipconfig/all press enter
  3. many lines will appear in the window
  4. in that lines Physical address is your mac address..
Now i am going to tell how to change it ..
Changing procedure: (how to change mac address)
  • just go to local area connection properties

  • select configure button on the window
  • now click the Advanced Tab

  • Now property list will appear..
  • click the network address..
  • on the list right side  value box will appear
  • now type the mac address what you want.then click ok.
Wow !! your mac address was changed !! now go to cmd and type ipconfig/all press enter you will see your mac address was changed...